Richard Photo Lab

Color PAC

Richard offers a premium service to professional film and hybrid photogs who want to take their business and brand to the #nextlevel. We’ve dubbed this the Richard Color PAC (or, Personal Account Consultation). It consists of two major components: a customized color profile and in-depth personal business consulting.

Truth is, Richard is the godfather of Color Profiling—something that originated from wanting to help photographers feel confident that 1) their brand was preserved by their lab, and 2) the output was always consistent. Having a color profile, as it is known by photogs and other photo labs today, is rooted in these two ideas—but Richard knows that it takes much more than just consistent color output for photographers to succeed in this formidable industry…

Color PAC

The Process

1) Webinar

Process Step 1

Learn how to avoid industry pitfalls, strategies for business growth, and the importance of marketing & branding.

2) Homework

Process Step 2

Fill out a detailed questionnaire about your work and your style, and gather examples of images that you love (and that you don’t).

3) Consultation

Process Step 3

Have a one-on-one strategy session with our lab owner to discuss best practices for achieving your business goals.

4) Profile

Process Step 4

Work directly with our General Manager to discuss your vision in detail, review the shooting variables that are affecting your scans, and create your color profile.

5) Fine Tune

Process Step 5

Provide feedback to the lab on your first jobs scanned with your profile, and we’ll work together to tweak the details.

6) Growth

Process Step 6

You’ll have unlimited access to our team to be your educational resource, professional advocate, and go-to support system for all things Richard.

Start Your PAC

Ready to grow your business, gain invaluable industry expertise, and ensure consistent image output?
Contact Richard to start your very own Color PAC.

Start Your PAC