Richard Photo Lab

Print Products

Photo Prints

Photo Prints

Professional-grade photographic prints with true-to-life colors that will look just as stunning in 100 years! Choose from no-correction prints or lab-corrected prints are sized up to 30x60 and printed in just one business day.

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Proof Prints

Proof Prints

Priced for high-volume orders! Choose from three professional-quality photographic papers and five small sizes (including 4.5x6).

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Fine Art Prints

Fine Art Prints

True giclée prints in seven different archival paper options. Our fine art prints meet gallery and museum standards for longevity. Spray-coating available for added protection.

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Metal Prints

Metal Prints

Dye-infused aluminum creates brilliant metal prints with unmatched durability. Choose from five different surface finishes and a variety of hardware for displaying prints.

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Framed Prints

Framed Prints

Four simple and sleek framing options match a variety of room interiors while keeping the focus on the most important part... the photo. Choose from photographic or fine art prints and optional white mat.

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Album Prints

Album Prints

No-correction matte prints in standard sizes for albums that can be shipped directly to your album printer for finishing.

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Matted Prints

Matted Prints

Matted prints are ready-to-frame photographic or fine art prints! Mounted on foam core and featuring a smooth, bright white mat.

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8x10 matte prints with the option for borders and text additions. Image correction services fix minor blemishes, fly-aways, shaping, skin tones, and more.

Order Headshot Prints


Flat canvas and gallery wraps made with inkjet printing for incredible color reproduction. Hand-crafted right here at the lab and protected from all contaminants and resistant to scratches & fingerprints.

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Press Cards

Press Cards

Over 125 sizes of flat, folded, and creative edge cards. Nine paper types and a variety of envelopes with return address printing available. Free downloadable design templates!

Order Press Cards Requires ROES desktop app


Styrene and foam core mounting keeps photographic prints smooth inside frames or brings cost-effective dimension to prints.

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Elegant Packaging

Elegant Packaging

Kraft or black packaging for prints sized up to 11x14. Choose from three different tie options. Custom packaging also available.

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* this product is only available on the ROES desktop app

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